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Bancos Centrais Mundiais

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Banco Central da Federação Russa (CBR)

As funções do Banco Central da Federação Russa são descritas na constituição russa (Artigo 75) e na lei federal especial. Segundo a constituição, o Banco da Rússia é uma...

21,00%  Rússia
Banco Central de Samoa (CBS)

The Central Bank of Samoa is the nation's reserve bank and, as such, it acts as banker to the Government and the commercial banks. The Central Bank undertakes the...

5%  Samoa
Banco Central de San Marino (BCSM)

The Central Bank of the Republic of San Marino was established through a combination between the Istituto di Credito Sammarinese (a body with public and private...

0%  San Marino
Banco Central de Seychelles (CBS)

The Central Bank of Seychelles Act, 2004 provides for the Bank to operate as an autonomous institution, reinforcing its status as the authority responsible for all...

11,3%  Seicheles
Banco de Serra Leoa (BSL)

The Bank of Sierra Leone issues the country's currency, known as the Leone. The bank formulates and implements monetary policy, including foreign exchange. In addition,...

9,50%  Serra Leão
Autoridade Monetária de Cingapura (MAS)

The Monetary Authority of Singapore is the central bank of Singapore. It was set up in 1971 to oversee various monetary functions associated with banking as well as...

0,06%  Singapura
Banco Central da Somália

The Central Bank of Somalia was established on June 30, 1960 by Decree No. 3 and converted into Law No. 2 of January 13, 1961. The Bank follows the objectives of...

0%  Somália
Banco Central do Sri Lanka (CBSL)

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka is the monetary authority of Sri Lanka. It was established in 1950, two years after independence. The founder governor of the Central Bank...

4,5%  Sri Lanka
Banco Central da Suazilândia (CBS)

he Central Bank of Swaziland is the central bank of Swaziland. It was established in 1974 and is based in Mbabane. The bank's mission is to promote monetary stability and...

3,75%  Suazilândia
Banco do Sudão

Bank of Sudan is the central bank of the Sudan. The bank was formed in 1960, four years after Sudan's independence. In addition to the normal duties of a central bank,...

0%  Sudão
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