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Bancos Centrais Mundiais

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Banco do Estado do Vietnã (SBV)

The State Bank of Vietnam is a ministry-level body under the administration of the government; the bank governor is a member of the cabinet (equivalent to a minister in...

6,50%  Vietnã
Banco da Reserva do Zimbábue (RBZ)

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has its origins in the Bank of Rhodesia and Nyasaland which was created in March 1956 as a central bank for the Federation of Rhodesia and...

0%  Zimbábue
Banco Central Europeu (ECB)

O Banco Central Europeu (BCE) é um dos bancos centrais mais importantes do mundo. Ele é responsável pela política monetária que abrange os 19 Estados membros da zona do...

2,90%  Zona Euro
Banco da Zâmbia (BOZ)

The Bank of Zambia was established to take over from the Bank of Northern Rhodesia on the 7th of August,1964 although its Act was only passed in June, 1965. The Bank of...

14,50%  Zâmbia
Banco da Reserva da África do Sul (SARB)

The South African Reserve Bank is the central bank of South Africa. It was established in 1921 after Parliament passed an act, the "Currency and Bank Act of 10 August...

7,50%  África do Sul
Banco Central da Áustria (OeNB)

The Oesterreichische Nationalbank (OeNB) is the central bank of the Republic of Austria and, as such, an integral part of both the European System of Central Banks (ESCB)...

0,0%  Áustria
Banco de Reserva da Índia (RBI)

O Banco de Reserva da Índia foi fundado em 1º de abril de 1935 consoante as disposições da lei bancária de 1934 (Reserve Bank of India Act 1934). O Escritório Central do...

6,25%  Índia
Palestine Monetary Authority

The Palestine Monetary Authority (PMA) is the emerging Central Bank of Palestine. Its overall purpose is to ensure price stability and contribute to the stability and...

Fundo Monetário Internacional

O Fundo Monetário Internacional (FMI) busca estimular a cooperação monetária global, proteger a estabilidade financeira, facilitar o comércio internacional, promover...

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